Rod & Fly 6 weight rod Chris Roberts evaluates an affordable 6 weight.
Although I have close to 25 years fly fishing behind me, I still regard myself as an ‘intermediate’ angler. The majority of my fishing is for trout in lakes and rivers in Tasmania, with the odd bit of light saltwater fishing thrown in. Indeed my current rod is a 6-weight, which I prefer over lighter rods in order to cope with Tassie’s windy conditions.
I have two main requirements of a fly rod. First, it must be able to cast accurately with good presentation and control; and second, be able to shoot line at long or short distances with minimal false casting. The Rod & Fly 4-piece 6-weight came up trumps on both counts, a little to my surprise. I was able to cast close to the entire WF line with a single false cast, a match for my current yet far more expensive whipping stick. In addition, its ability to shoot into tight corners when searching with a small wet, and to present the fly quickly and lightly on the water in difficult blustery conditions proved it a rod worthy of serious consideration. The big advantage of this rod is its value for money. At $250 it is able to compete favourably against rods twice or even three times its retail value, thanks to Rod & Fly’s position as a local brand that mainly retails direct. At first glance the rod looks good, finished with quality reel seat, cork handle, ferrules and stainless snake guides (although my preference would be for smaller diameter guides). Not liking flashy rods myself, the matt finish is a big positive. Again a spare rod tip increases value for money, leading me to immediately think of it as an ideal spare hiking rod for out in the Western Lakes, or a good solid beginner’s rod with its added insurance against breakage. It also comes with a strong tube and good warranty. Other rods in the Rod & Fly range seem to be of similar quality. They range from a 6'6" 3-weight to a 10' 8-weight. Different rods suit different people, but if you’re looking for a new rod give one of these a try. You’ll be surprised by the quality, while being able to comfortably admit what you actually paid for it. For more information contact Mike Tenner 0408 469771 |