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Bead Head Flies

High quality bead head flies at low prices

If you are looking for the cheapest bead head flies without compromising on quality, then look no further than TroutFlies. We have a wide range of fly fishing gear that we put to the test in our local waterways in Tasmania, and we won’t be beaten on price. Unlike many bead head nymphs on the market we can guarantee that ours are high quality, so they won’t let you down when you take them out to the river. Browse our fly fishing gear shop for a huge range of flies and nymphs. Whatever the conditions are on your local river, you’ll find something suitable at Trout Flies.

Why fish with a bead head nymph?

Many fishermen swear by using a bead head nymph, and there are several main theories as to why they work:

  • The weight of the bead helps the nymph to sink close to the bottom where the trout are, and common wisdom says bead head flies work because they get there quickly. Tungsten bead flies are specially designed to sink quickly.
  • A bead looks like a bubble to a fish on the bottom. Caddis flies are known to emerge using an air bubble, and the bead head on a fly can look like an air bubble to a fish.
  •  Bead head flies are shiny. Still another theory says that bead head nymphs attract fish simply because they are made of shiny metal which can attract fish.

Whatever theory you subscribe to, there is no doubt that fly tying bead heads is popular, so why not give it a try?

Fly fishing gear from anglers to anglers

When you buy bead head nymphs from Troutflies you know that you are getting fly fishing gear from people who are passionate about fishing. We use all of our own products, from realistic flies to our signature series when we go out fishing, so we stand by the quality. You won’t find a better range of bead head flies in Australia, so order from Troutflies today and get your new fly fishing gear delivered straight to you!

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(NEW) Barbless Inward point hook Bead Head Pheasant Tail Nymph

 (NEW) Barbless Inward point hook Bead Head Pheasant Tail Nymph


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Tungsten Bead Hotwire Prince Nymph Green/Yellow

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4.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Tungsten Jig Prince Nymph

 Tungsten Jig Prince Nymph


"Prince Nymph Jig" which is essentially a Prince Nymph tied on a competition style jig hook. This style hook has been po…

(NEW) Barbless Inward point hook Bead Head Hare and Copper 

(NEW) Barbless Inward point hook Bead Head Hare and Copper 


Bead Head Hare and Copper with barbless Inward point to secure fish for the fly fisher who is afraid of losing a fish wi…

100 Guides Tasmania collection

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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Bead Head Birds Nest Olive

Bead Head Birds Nest Olive


5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Bead Head Blood Worm

Bead Head Blood Worm


Bloodworm are one of the stages of chronomidae. Bloodworm flies are blood red in colour and found at the bottom of lakes…

Bead Head Flash Rib Wooly Bugger Black,Olive,Brown

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Bead Head Hare And Copper Flash Rib

Bead Head Hare And Copper Flash Rib


Fish can't refuse one of the best nymphs of all time now with flash ribbing 

Bead Head Hot Butt Prince Nymph

Bead Head Hot Butt Prince Nymph


The Prince Nymph is a popular fly pattern It was first tied by Colorado fly tier Doug Prince in the 1930s and has since …

Bead Head Mops

Bead Head Mops


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Bead Head Nymph Collection

Bead Head Nymph Collection


A highly effective way to catching fish, this 15 fly collection will do just that. It includes 3 of the following fly…

Bead Head Psycho Prince

Bead Head Psycho Prince


With a little variance in the usual color of a prince nymph, the purple psycho prince nymph offers a slightly different …

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