What is a Perdigon Nymph
In recent years European nymphing techniques have become dominant across North America. Not only the method itself but also the unique patterns fly fishers tie and use such as Spanish style nymphs. Spanish nymphs are small, thin and hard bodied. Designed to succeed in the shallow clear streams of the Pyrenees, Spanish style nymphs perform equally well in North America, especially when trout are focused on tiny prey. U.S. competition angler, Devin Olsen’s Pliva Perdigon nymph is an excellent example of the perdigon tying style.
Perdigon nymphs were designed for targeting trout in clear waters frequented by many fly fishers. Literally translated, Perdigon means pellet owing to this pattern style’s slender lines and quick descent characteristics. Much like a pellet. Although considered a Spanish design, perdigon nymphs originated in France, migrating over the Pyrenees where their popularity and use exploded. Perdigon nymphs can be tied in a range of sizes but smaller versions, #14 through #18, work best.
In addition to the tungsten bead and a sparse Coq De Leon fiber tail, perdigon nymphs feature slender, hard, tapered bodies. These traits enable perdigon style nymphs to slice through the water with speed and ease. Unlike many popular nymph designs, perdigon nymphs do not utilize any fibrous materials such as dubbing that could slow the patterns decent. Depending on the depth and current speed, a few wraps of lead wire or lead wire substitute, placed directly behind the tungsten bead, boosts overall pattern weight and when pushed into the slot helps position the bead. Once weighting process is complete, build up a neat tapered body.
Perdigon nymphs not only perform when using European nymphing techniques but also lend themselves to other presentation methods and pattern styles. For example, I now often incorporate the perdigon wing case technique to a number of my other patterns including scuds, Callibaetis nymphs, water boatman and backswimmers.
Product Code: TUN92QC752