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Product Information

The Tenkara collection 9 patterns in #12,14 ...18 flies

The meaning of Tenkara literally: "from heaven", or "from the skies" is a traditional type of fly fishing practiced in Japan. Primarily used for mountain stream trout fishing, tenkara is one of the most popular methods of angling among fresh-water mountain anglers in Japan.

 Tenkara has been virtually unknown outside of Japan until 2009 and has been growing steadily  Rod & fly Tasmania  intend to add a full range of Tenkara  Rods, Lines, Flies for the 2012/13 season our 1st offering is a Collection of 9 patterns in #12,14

Tenkara flies place less emphasis on imitation and more on presentation and manipulation, reflecting a general tenkara philosophy: technique over technology .

Product Code: TEN203216

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