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Product Information

Special version that matches the system of long tippet leader Ichiro Iwai River. It is 15ft. 5x Optimal Leader Long narrow the bat, was long the tippet. Fine design turnover performance does not change when concatenating Tippett further, more precise presentations. high quality that can last a surprisingly natural drift

Keiichero Iwai, Japan's master of Yamame Trout fishing, developed these leaders with VARIVAS® as the ideal leaders for pursuing these fish in mountain streams with light tackle. It is easy enough to find lightweight rods and reels that can deliver on delicate presentation however, there was always a difficulty to find the hooks to tie tiny flies, tippet to connect them and leaders long enough and fine enough to present a tiny midge to the easily spooked Yamame. With this background, VARIVAS® brought together know-how and expertise to create what is probably the world's most delicate dry fly presentation system.


Product Code: SUP4CEOJ54

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