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Randall Kaufmann's Stimulator Collection


Product Information

Every once in awhile, someone 'invents' a fishing fly which suggests a variety of food forms, while imitating nothing specifically, proves ubiquitously useful in a variety of sizes and guises, is relatively simple to tie, and thereby acquires a level of popularity that virtually every fly shop has a few for sale.  In a simpler turn of phrase, the fly becomes a "classic."  Such has been the fate of Randall Kaufmann's Stimulator dry fly.

What Is It?

The Stimulator is simultaneously nothing and a variety of things.  It is what flyfishers refer to as an "attractor" pattern.  An attractor pattern is a fly that 'attracts' a fish's attention by representing certain aspects of what fish see as food; e.g., actual motion or the illusion thereof, color, profile, etc.  Typically, an attractor pattern combines a number of these aspects - something that the Stimulator does in spades.  The Stimulator can be used to imitate caddis, stoneflies, hoppers, beetles, and cicada.  It is extremely useful as an indicator fly; i.e., tie a nymph on a short length of monofilament off the hook bend and the fly acts as an indicator, not to mention potentially attracting a fish that may prove reluctant to take a dry, but then sees the nymph and takes that.

Comes 20 Flies Assorted Sizes and patterns

Product Code: 20 KBW6O61

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