Braided Loop Connectors ~ 3 Pack
Braided Loop Connector, a piece of braided monofilament line hollow braided tube at one end and looped on the other. Insert at least 30 mm of fly line into the braided loop connector. Slide retaining sleeve into position covering end of braid, ensuring that the sleeve is a tight fit secure. Grip sleeve and pull hard on the leader. You can secure it with a small section of heat shrink tubing over the connector to keep the line from sliding out. To remove leader, grip fly line and push retaining sleeve and leader from line.
These are high strength, very handy, easy to use, work well, and the simplest, most convenient way to connect fly line and transparent leader. Great for attaching shooting tapers, lead heads, backing and leaders without avoiding the trouble of tying a new knot should you break your leader. Use the braided loop connector instead of making your own loop out of heavy monofilament line or heavy tippet material.
Below is a good video on how to use
Product Code: BRAR32