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2 KnotlessTapered Leaders 12ft


Product Information

2 KnotlessTapered Leaders 12ft in a pack available in  1X,2X, 3X ,4X, 5X ,6X 

Strong, durable and very dependable, these high-quality Knotless Leaders are built to withstand tenacious fish strike,pulls and runs . Featuring heavy butts to easily turn over the fly,Knotless leaders are made clear for subtle presentations.

Spec.Tippet Dia. (in/mm)Butt Dia. (in/mm)Lb. Test
0x.011 / .279.025 / .6414lb
1x.010 / .254.022 / .5612lb
2x.009 / .229.022 / .5610lb
3x.008 / .203.021 / .538lb
4x.007 / .178.021 / .535.4lb
5x.006 / .152.021 / .534.4lb
6x.005 / .127.017 / .433.4lb



Product Code: 2 KL32

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