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Hemingway's May Fly Tube Bodies pale yellow


Product Information

HMG tube body allows much faster , easier and more realistic creation of complicated flies with extended bodies

5 tubes in pack

Pre-formed detached bodies, Mayfly versions come with tail fibres, Stimulator and Hopper are tail-less – suitable for Caddis or the like.

Tube Body’s are made from long dubbing fibre wound around a mandrel (often a needle of some sort) cemented and removed from the former. These tubes are tough so they can withstand casting, how they stand up to a few fish chewing on them is down to the fish and a little luck.

On a short-shank or curved hook, with a little dubbing and a turn of two of CdC at the thorax, Tube Body’s make for quick tying and a near-realistic artificial fishing fly. The fibre used to make these seems to accept felt pen easily, so those of a realistic bent can shade and segment them easily enough. Tube Bodys are longer than thorax of the insects they are used to represent, so should be tied in at the desired length.

Looking at the Small Mayfly the taper and diameter of these is about right for medium sized up-winged flies. Large size Mayfly Tube Bodys are really aiming at Mayfly (E. danica) and Green Drake, so although useful for those hatches are less useful overall. Stimulator, Hopper, Caddis and the like all have applications – caddis, crickets, daddy longlegs, etc.



Product Code: HEMP64

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