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36 Clouser Clousers flies in Fly Box


Product Information

The Clouser fly was created by Bob Clouser, a renowned fly tyer, and fly fishing guide from Pennsylvania, United States. The Clouser fly is a popular and versatile baitfish imitation that can be used to catch a variety of freshwater and saltwater game fish species. Bob Clouser developed the fly in the late 1980s for smallmouth bass fishing in the Susquehanna River, but it quickly gained popularity and is now widely used by fly fishermen all over the world

Clouser & super Clousers collection box contains 36 flies.

Olive White #4
chart/yellow #6
Brown # 8
Chart/white #6
deep minnow blue/white 1/0
olive/white 2/0
Olive/white #6

Or in your prefered size hooks  if out of stock colour will be substituted


Product Code: 36 I14

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