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The Flashback Collection Off Flies


Product Information

If you see trout darting from side to side under the water they are grabbing rising mature may fly nymphs as they are swept past on the current. You do not need a heavily weighted artificial fly to imitate these ascending nymphs.The flashback nymph If lifted gently in front of or beside a fish to simulate the upward movement of the real natural insect rising to the surface you can induce a 'take' the flash in the nymph will excite them into a ferocious hit

The Flashback Collection 24 Flies

4 Flashback Hares Ear Nymph

4 Flashback Hares Ear Black Nymph

4 Flashback Hares Ear Olive Nymph

4 Flashback Brown S/F Nymph

4 Flashback Black S/F Nymph

4 Flashback Shaving Brush Nymph

Product Code: THEG5

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