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Diawl Bach Natural Nymph


Product Information

This all round nymph attractor pattern can be fished in a variety of ways and it is gives good results in rough water as well as calm. It is suggestive of all sorts of aquatic insect life especially the midge. In Britain and some areas of Northern Europe it has become one of the most popular stillwater flies of recent times. This is quite an acclaim for such a drab, non-descript fly. The secret to this fly’s success is its sparse, nymph like profile making it a fly for all seasons and waters. In North America the Prince's Nymph is King in Britain it is the small welsh little devil the Diawl Bach. 

About Diawl Bach Country of Origin Wales, Diawl Back loosley translated means "Little Devil.

The Diawl Bach is a very effective 'modern' classic pattern, that has very quickly become a standard in flyboxes around the globe for fishing in Dams /Reservoirs / River & Streams / Still Water
This simple dressing is a killer that can be fished on any line, from floating to fast sinker and at most depths.
It can be fished up and "on the hang" on a fast sinker or fished slowly on a floating line.


Product Code: DIAN4

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