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Dahlberg Diver Black/Red


Product Information

the Dahlberg Diver as nothing less than revolutionary. Both warmwater and saltwater experts compliment Larry Dahlberg on his unique and clever design. The Tryons, in their book, Figuring Out Flies, suggest that this is one of the most dramatic fly-tying devlopments in recent years. So why is everyone so enthusiastic about this single fly?

Before the development of Dahlberg's "diver" almost all flies imitating baitfish or other non-insect critters (like frogs) either floated on the top of the water or were weighted to sink. While this amazing deer hair fly floats on top of the water, because of it's scooped head it also literally dives---like many natural creatures-when it is jerked along by retreival of the fly line. As soon as the retrieval is stopped, the fly pops to the surface again. By changing the smoothness and speed of the retrieve, this bug gurgles, pops and wobbles, creating sounds and a stream of bubbles that many big game fish simply cannot resist.


Product Code: DAHD9

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