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Elk Hair Caddis Purple


Product Information

The Elk Hair Caddis Purple  a variation of the classic Elk Hair Caddis, which is designed to imitate an adult caddis fly on the water's surface. The purple coloration adds a unique twist to the pattern, making it attractive to trout and other fish species.

The Elk Hair Caddis Purple typically features a purple body made of dubbing material, such as synthetic or natural fur. The wing is made of elk hair, which is tied in a way that allows it to stand up and provide buoyancy on the water. The fly is often finished with hackle feathers wrapped around the body to give it a more realistic appearance and enhance its floating capabilities.

This fly is primarily used during caddis hatches, when adult caddis flies are emerging from the water. Trout and other fish species are known to actively feed on these insects, making the Elk Hair Caddis Purple an effective imitation. It can be fished with various techniques, such as dead-drifting, skating, or twitching, depending on the behavior of the fish and the water conditions.


Product Code: ELK111L569

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