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Discovery Entry Level A-Helix 9 foot #5/6


Product Information

Discovery entry A-Helix 9 foot #5/6 fly rods offer impressive performance and great value-for-money. All Discovery fly rods are designed to help anglers advance their fly casting skills. The forgiving  Fly Rod actions make it easy to load the fly line and offer an ideal start for learning the art of fly fishing. The casting capabilities blend well with the fighting power built into the butt sections to enable fish control after the hook-up.  a new matrix of fiber orientation, which enables the design of rods with increased strength power and lightness. Built to achieve light swing weight and ultra-sure trajectories, they also meet today’s needs for portability. All Helix rods are of four-piece construction and fitted with appropriate reel seats to meet salt and freshwater situation

Discovery entry A-Helix 9 foot #5/6 fly rod is our entry-level rod ideal for a novice angler or as a backup rod for guiding or friends. It has been made with a medium-fast action ideal for quickly loading line.
This rod will suit someone learning to fly fish or someone that likes fishing a medium speed rod. It has also been made as a stronger rod to handle the punishment a new angler will put on a rod.
A well balanced in the hand giving it a light feel. This rod has enough grunt for nymphing but will also cast big dry flies.
Description: Discovery entry A-Helix 9 foot #5/6
Action: Medium Fast recovery, easy loading blank
Blank: 100% carbon fibre,a-helix structure
Length:  9'0" Four-piece rod design
Weight: 110g
Line weight:  #5/6
Sections: 4
Colour: Matt Black
Runner Guides: silver snake guides
Strip guides: silver frame with ceramic ring
Reel seat:  Gunsmoke Aluminium  Anodised  double up-locking reel fitting with nylon '0' rings for smooth operation
Cork:  Halfwell Top quality Portuguese cork grips
Fighting butt:  N/A
Rod bag:
Rod Tube: Sturdy Cordura covered tube with reel bag
Saltwater-safe reel seat
5-year warranty


Product Code: DISMWBF817

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