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Aluminium Cast 2020 Fully Loaded Fly Reel with line of your choice 5/6/7


Product Information

Rod & Fly Large Arbor fly reel  fully loaded with 100 ft WF Floating  fly line colour Olive or Orange and size 5/6/7 of your choice, backing, and leader the spooling can be right or left hand retrieve please advise with order  

Amazing Value, On A tight budget here, 's a fly reel and lines at a great price, the lightweight Large Arbor Fly Reel is made from cast aluminium making them ideal for freshwater or saltwater applications. outfitted with a low-maintenance Teflon disc brake system and a one-way clutch bearing for instant drag engagement. Featuring a large arbour spool design, the Rod & Fly Large Arbor Fly Reels offer convenient quick-change spool conversion which makes it easy for anglers to adjust the reels to either left or right hand retrieve


Romeo Die Cast 2020  Aluminum Fly Fishing Reel 


1) Made of 6061-T6 Aluminum


2) Cork on Teflon disc drag system


3) Color: Black 


4) Hand Retrieve: Right or Left-Handed


Size Outside  Dia.(mm) Spool Width(mm) Weight(g)

    5/7         86                28                        159


Product Code: DISWX8U88

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