The Classic Woolly Bugger Reimagined as a Next Generation Fly Pattern
A Next-Generation micro fly tied with the Fish-Skull® Articulated Micro-Spine system
Design by Blane Chocklett
The Bugger Changer takes the most recognizable, iconic, and likely the most commonly fished freshwater streamer fly, to the next level by adding multiple Articulated Micro-Spine. articulations for lifelike movement.
This highly articulated, 6-part woolly bugger attracts fish in fast or slow water, rivers, ponds, and lakes, in dirty water or spring creeks. It imitates crayfish, minnows, sculpin, leeches, and many other natural foods trout love.
The Woolly Bugger is a fly many anglers have long relied on as a do-it-all fly, but while the classic Woolly Bugger relies solely on the materials for movement, the all-new Bugger Changer adds full body articulations for ultra-lifelike movement and more fish in your net!
Will be initially available in 3 popular Bugger colors and sizes i.e. Black, Brown and Olive in a #6 and #8 hook size. Trout beware!
#6 hook Bugger Changer
2.75” (7 cm)
15 mm Fish spine+ Dumbbell + (4 x 8 mm micro spine) + Kona Big game hunter (BGH) #6 Hook
#8 hook Bugger Changer
2” (5 cm)
10 mm Fish spine+ Dumbbell + (4 x 6 mm Micro Spine ) + Kona Big Game Hunter (BGH) #8 Hook
Product Code: CHOR9NW612