Carp On The Fly - An Essential Collection Of 20 flies , A collection essential flies to fly fish for Carp under all conditions,Box can be purchased separetly
1 each of
Barry's Carp Fly
Black Bits Carp Fly
Pellet flies assorted (Bread,Corn,Dog Biscuit,fish pellet)
Carp Bitters
Carp Black Marabou
Carp Bottom Creeper
Carp Thing Orange rubber legs
Carp Thing White olive rubber legs
Damsel Bugger Carp Fly
Fraizer Rubber Leg Fly
Inverted Leach Carp Fly
Jansen Allien Shrimp Carp Fly
Krazy Carper Fly
Mike's Carp Candy
Rinehart's Soft Shoe carp fly
Prince Rubber Legs
Squirmy Wormy
if out of stock we substtute with a new patterns
Product Code: CARLAEU480