Black Olive spanflex Buzzer Hook #$10
Conrad Voss Bark in his book The Encyclopaedia of Fly Fishing defines a buzzer as "Another name for a Chironomid, a long-legged gnat-like insect with a humped thorax, a long abdomen, and wings that are often slightly shorter than the body. The angler's name for them is derived either from their habit of buzzing around over the water surface or possibly because in a large swarm they do make a faint buzzing sound.". Midges are members of the Diptera Order of flies. Flies in this Order have two flat wings. Dave Whitlock in A Guide To Aquatic Trout Food describes the midge or buzzer as ".. typically very small, unglamorous, misunderstood insects."
Buzzers are probably the most important family of flies for Stillwater anglers. There are more than 400 different species but not all are relevant to trout and fishing as many of them do not have aquatic life-cycles. With this number of different species, it is most likely that there will be a hatch of buzzers almost every day.
Product Code: BLAHENX428