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Bead Head Hot Butt Prince Nymph


Product Information

The Prince Nymph is a popular fly pattern It was first tied by Colorado fly tier Doug Prince in the 1930s and has since become a staple in many fly boxes. The fly is designed to imitate a variety of aquatic insects, such as stoneflies and mayflies, and is often used to catch trout.

The Prince Nymph typically features a gold bead head, a body made of peacock herl, and a tail and wings made of brown goose biots. The fly can be tied in a variety of sizes, from small sizes used for trout in small streams to larger sizes used for targeting larger fish in bigger rivers and lakes

The Prince Nymph is a versatile fly that can be fished in a variety of ways, such as dead drift, swing, or as a dropper below a dry fly. It is often fished in deep pools or runs, where trout are known to feed on nymphs.

Overall, the Prince Nymph is a classic and effective fly pattern that should be included in any fly fisherman's arsenal presented here with a variant hot butt that triggers the take 

Product Code: BEAN93MJ37

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